LibTA hopes to engage the government and all stakeholders in constructively seeking new avenues in improving the industry for the betterment of society as a whole. To our international partners, we want to thank you for your support through the VPA-SU and also your continuous support to the Government. We can assure you of our, LibTA, support for the VPA and its implementation. To the members of the timber association we want to assure you that we are going to work in your best interest. We ask for your full support and understanding as we serve you.
To our Government and the Forestry Development Authority, we want to assure you of our commitment to work within the frame of the law and that given the chance we will be the partner you desire. We are going to manage the forest in the most sustainable way. When we work together there is nothing that will be too difficult for us. Let’s move the economy together for the good of our people and nation.- Liberia is endowed with abundant natural resources, with forest products accounting for a significant amount of these resources
- Liberia’s forest occupies about 43% of the remaining Upper Guinea Forest
- The land mass of Liberia’s forest is 45% of the total land area of the country
- Conservation, preservation area is about 1.7 million hectares, and multiple use forest area is 4.0 million ( 70% of the total area of Liberia )
- Biodiversity contents of Liberia’s forest include 590 species of birds; 125 mammal species; 1,000 insects species’ 2,000 flowering plants, 59 of which are endemic to the country’s 240 timber species, 60 of which have been and are being exported
- These graphic descriptions of the Liberia’s forest resources highlight the economic and general importance of the forest to the country and the world at large
- The forestry industry has been a major contributor to the economic development of the country since the collapse of the iron industry in the 1980’s
- The industry has impacted the economy in the form of industrial output, national income, employment, infrastructure in rural areas, and export revenues
- The logging industry has for the past war years suffered from a myriad of setbacks and changes including the imposition and subsequent lifting of the UN Security Council sanction on Liberia’s timber and introduced a new legal regime
- Recent reform and change is all with the aim of making the forest sector meaningful to the economic growth and development of the country

Mr. E. Ekema A Witherspoon, I Head of Secretariat/LibTA
He holds a Master of Science in International Relations as well as a Graduate Certificate in Public Administration and Management. He also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and minor in International Relations. Has several certificates in variety of subject matters to his credit form diversified national and international workshops and seminars.
He has more than twenty (20) commutative years of working experience in the Public and Private sector with emphasis on administration with specific focus on working with people of diverse backgrounds and experience to achieve desired results. He has worked in the forest sector in Liberia, at various levels, off and on, since August of 2006. Prior to coming to work for LibTA, he once served as the second in command at the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) as well as on its Board of Directors as proxy for the then Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Harrison S. Karnwea, Sr.
Mr. Idrissa Fullah Admin. & Finance Officer/LibTA
I started my corporate life as a banker working with Zenith Bank (S/L)LTD in different capacities (Internal Control & Audit, Enterprise Risk & Loan Recovery). Thereafter, I further my career as a Development Worker within International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGO), with over five (5) years professional and resourceful experience gained in thematic areas, ranging from finance officer in the Country Office and Field Operation Finance Officer supervising Child Fund International Local Partners Finance Officers in three Districts in Sierra Leone. Currently working as Finance and Administrative Officer of the Liberia Timber Association (LibTA).

Mercy M. Swen-Dwalu – Office Assistant/LibTA
Graduate of the United Methodist University with a degree in Social Work(BSW), Graduated from the Cheale Vocational Training Institute(CVTI), with a diploma in Secretarial Science, and also obtained certificate in counselling at the Edwin Peal Center, United Methodist Church Compound